Zero Grazing - More milk from grass
Saving up to 4 pence (5 Euro cents) per litre in production costs
Whilst harvesting fresh grass and bringing it to the cows is not a new concept, in the UK we are seeing an increase in dairy cows being housed all year round, mainly as a consequence of environmental pressures (higher rainfall). Generally, the UK system would be to let the cows graze the fields during the summer months and house them in the winter, however increasing herd sizes (UK average dairy herd size is 142 cows ) and a demand for a greater amount of lower cost feed, we are now seeing a trend of removing the cows from the field altogether. This can help reduce grass yield losses, accelerate grass re-growth thanks to the even cut height and maximise cow intake on a more grass based lower cost diet. As a result, some zero grazing adopters are claiming to save up to 4 pence (5 Euro cents) per litre in production costs (50% based fresh grass diet, 50% TMR). In the current low milk price market, this low cost system really can make a positive difference to a farm's profitability.
We have undertaken a PÖTTINGER Zero Grazing Campaign this year, which will run until late October visiting different areas of the UK. During farm demonstrations, attending regional shows and technical events we will be promoting the PÖTTINGER system utilising the NOVACAT 301 CLASSIC and EUROPROFI 5010 D equipped with cross conveyor. This in part is to combat the increasing numbers of dedicated zero grazing machines being sold from Ireland and further afield. These dedicated machines are slow, using old technology (drum mowers) and low capacity.
The feedback to date has been excellent and is positioning the dealers to secure orders for units during this year’s out of season campaign.
We are now moving further north over the next few weeks to Scotland and will finish the tour more than 900 km from where we began in the South of England.